The Katsbaan Ladies Aid Society is a community based organization made up
of women from the Katsbaan Church and surrounding communities.
They sponsor Yard Sales, their annual Holiday Fair, and other activities throughout the year
to fund the needs of both the Church and the community.
They meet on the second Monday of each month.
New members are always welcome.
for the date of our next meeting
and information regarding our upcoming fundraisers
President: Lorna Silinovich
Secretary: Stephanie Steyer-Wynne
Treasurer: Bev Richers
These are the highlights of a summary of the Ladies Aid Society
written by Mrs. Louise Emerick and dated October 12, 1937:
On Friday afternoon, September 27, 1912 twelve ladies met at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Emerick
and organized the Ladies Aid Society of Katsbaan Church. It's rules were few:
* Membership - open to all.
* President - to be a member of the Church.
* Meetings to be held the second Wednesday of each month.
* Election of officers to be held every six months
(this was changed to once yearly before the first year had passed).
* Collection shall be taken after refreshments.
* Light refreshments only shall be served.
* Quorum shall be seven.
* Object: any work of interest and benefit to the Church and community.
The first recorded work was dressing dolls for the Sunday School Christmas tree at our all day meeting at Miss Christina Smith's.
In those days an author was chosen for each meeting and the members gave selections from his works.
The first project was a lecture by Mr. Poultney Bigelow with a "pie social" afterwards to start a fund to paint the steeple. $26 was taken in at that time.
The ladies made quilts and nearly 100 was the estimate.
A Harvest Home supper and apron sale was held in the Church and Sunday School room. $40 was raised. Suppers were served in the Sunday School room because we had no hall.
In 1921 the steeple was painted at a cost of $145.
In 1922 the Pine Grove Church was bought for $150, taken down and moved here for our present hall. It was completed at a cost of $787. In 1927 or 1928 electricity was put in the Church, hall & parsonage. A kitchen was added and dishes and silverware bought.
On Sept. 15, 1932 the 200th anniversary of our Church was observed.
We have had over one hundred names on our membership list. At this time there are 63.
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