Dear Members and Friends of the Katsbaan Reformed Church,
We would like to update you on our recent pastoral changes. After much thought and prayer, Pastor Jim has accepted
a call to the First Congregational Church in Saugerties. Jim stated that he had been made aware of the high needs of
that congregation and the challenges that they were facing. He felt God leading him to pastor our brothers and sisters
in Christ at this congregation. Jim left saying that he will continue to pray for our congregation, that God will
continue to lead us and bless us. He states that he is always available to talk, however does not wish to interfere
with the leadership of our next pastor. We were blessed to have Jim to provide pulpit supply for our church these
last four years. We send him off with our deepest gratitude for the care, love, concern he has given us.
Pastor Deborah Zuill has been providing us with pulpit supply since the first Sunday in November of 2020. Many of you know
her and have participated in worship with her leadership. She comes to us with a wealth of knowledge, wisdom,
experience, and enthusiasm. We have asked her if she would provide pulpit supply and pastoral care and she has
graciously accepted. We hope you will come to a Sunday worship service (with masks and social distancing) to meet
Pastor Deb and hear what God has put on her heart to teach us!
If you have a pastoral need here is Pastor Deborah Zuill's contact information:
Call to make an appointment: 845-247-9157
Tuesday & Thursday - 4:00pm - 6:00pm (or any time, if needed)
845-246-7928 - To leave a message on our church answering machine
Yours in Christ,
The Katsbaan Reformed Church Consistory
for a list of previous Pastors and the dates they served