Congratulations & God Bless Katsbaan's 2010 Graduates for:

Rose Panke ~ Saugerties High School
(attending Bard College this fall)

JoAnn Panke ~ Saugerties High School
(attending SUNY New Paltz this fall)

Vicki Dombrowski ~ Columbia-Greene Community College

Kristy Anderson ~ Ulster County Community College

(photo taken during rehearsal ~ left to right: Oksana Knisell, Kyle Rompella,
Elizabeth Westwood, Olivia Westwood, Megan Donahue, Karen Panke.

On Sunday, May 23rd, our congregation welcomed
these six new members into our Church Family!
May God bless you, and may He
keep you all in His loving care!

On Wednesday, June 10, 2009, the Katsbaan Reformed Church was used
to film a scene for the movie "Whisper Me a Lullaby".

Christina Vinsick, the film's director, needed extras
to be the members of the church congregation. Among
those who participated were several members of
the Katsbaan & Blue Mountain Churches.

"Thank You", Ralph Deitrick,
for facilitating this unique opportunity!
Ralph was at the church from before the shooting began
until after everything was cleaned up and the crew drove away!

"Thank You", crew and cast of "Whisper Me a Lullaby",
for your understanding and your generosity towards those
who volunteered to be background people (the congregation),
and who endured the rather long (9am to 5pm) day of
"take one, take two, take three, take four...
I think everyone would agree that it was quite an experience!!
Now we'll all anxiously be waiting to find out
when the movie will be completed and released!

to view the "Whisper Me a Lullaby" website!

Congratulations & God Bless
Our High School Graduates

Saugerties High School
Kristy Anderson
Chelsea McGowan
Kayla Trevail

Catskill High School
Christopher Wiltbank

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